WHO Celebrating World TB Day 2022!
- WHO World TB Day Communication plan (see attached)
- WHO World TB Day Campaign website: https://www.who.int/
campaigns/world-tb-day/2022 - World TB Day posters and infographics : https://www.
who.int/campaigns/world-tb-day /2022/campaign-materials
The Global TB Programme (GTB) is also starting a TikTok campaign called Invest to #EndTB Challenge. As part of the campaign, GTB would like to encourage participation through the making of commitments and highlighting what you personally can invest towards ending TB.
Staff and young people in countries can develop and post short 15-second TikTok videos, gesturing towards text indicating investments such as love, care, support, spreading awareness, standing against stigma and discrimination, financing, etc. (using the TikTok Pointing Trend). Please check out these two sample videos (https://youtu.be/ACWtPmqtmio,